S2|DATA Blog
Interesting information for those in the legal, ediscovery, and digital forensics fields.

Libertas: Breaking Free from Backup Software Lock-in
After 30+ years in the backup industry, I've seen countless…

The Real Cost of “Just Keep Everything”
In today's data-driven world, many organizations have adopted…

Cloud Storage: The Hidden Costs That Might Surprise You
As someone who's spent decades in the data protection and storage…

Your Backup Is Not an Archive: The Hidden Dangers of Misusing Your Data Systems
As "Mr. Backup," I've spent decades helping companies protect…

Mastering the EDRM: How S2|DATA Empowers Your eDiscovery Journey
In the complex world of electronic discovery, the Electronic…

Electronic Data Discovery: Navigating the World of Digital Evidence
Electronic data discovery (eDiscovery) has become a critical…