Complimentary eDiscovery Service
S2|DATA will use our TRACS software to extract the metadata from one backup, and present it back to you via our our web portal, Invenire. You will be able to see the files, databases, and email found on this backup, and make a decision as to whether or not it has to value to you. This offer has the following conditions:
- This offer is limited to one backup tape, or up to 100 GB of disk backups
- This offer is limited to products currently supported by TRACS, which includes most, but not all common backup software
- S2|DATA will need access to the backup, which will require shipping a backup tape to S2|DATA’s secure facility or remote access to a server in the customer’s environment
- S2|DATA’s standard customer contract will ensure the privacy of your data
Customers who fill out this form can download a paper describing the value of backups in eDiscovery and forensics.